
DAXI minimises its environmental impact

Nurturing our workforce’s talents

Well-being in the workplace

We keep a close watch on working conditions. We encourage positivity, responsibility, mutual respect, and commitment to the Group. Our motto is one of continuous improvement in a pleasant and stimulating environment.


Few training courses prepare people for the professions in our company. Therefore, working for us is all about learning on the job under the guidance of more experienced colleagues. Our ambition is to help everyone reach their full potential. We do so by combining continual improvement with upskilling sessions inside and outside the company.

In-house advancement is encouraged and effective.


At DAXI, safety has top priority. In some cases, certification for staff working on the tracks is compulsory. The training scheme set up by the Belgian Union of Rail Workers (UETF) enables our workers to follow rail-risk-prevention training courses certified by Constructiv, a Belgian body. On customer premises and at our own sites, we’re safety focused. We comply with the VCA or MASE standards for our industrial customers and Infrabel directives (Infrabel manages the railway infrastructure in Belgium). Driving and operating construction site vehicles or lifting gear also requires considerable skill to be carried out safely.

Diversity and inclusion

Everyone is welcome in our organisation, regardless of background, age, race, gender, or religion. We’re primarily seeking loyal, dependable employees who are aiming for personal and team development in an open, multicultural environment.

We welcome workers with disabilities who thrive in their jobs. Our workplace is still very dominated by men, due to a lack of female applicants for technical roles. Do you have a passion for the railway sector or would like to find out more about the industry and join us? Contact us