Sustainable company


Just like the BIG Group, which we belong to, DAXI is committed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This policy is defined as “process of improvement where companies integrate social, environmental and economic considerations in a voluntary, systematic and consistent manner, in consultation with their stakeholders”.

DAXI minimises its environmental impact

Limiting the rail industry’s eco footprint

Our company’s own railway business model helps to encourage a mode of transport less harmful to and more respectful of the environment. At DAXI, we live and breathe the railway sector.

As entrepreneurs and contributors to the economy, we’ve chosen an industry whose ecological footprint is much lower than others.

Reusing railway equipment to achieve a circular economy

DAXI has been making and selling new products since its foundation in 1989. But we can also offer used equipment that we overhaul and adapt to your requirements. We’re proud to be helping to achieve a circular economy. This characteristic is part of our DNA. Our customers have everything to gain – and that goes for the environment too.

Savings for rail operators and associated railway industries

Once overhauled, equipment that has been decommissioned on main lines (busy high-speed lines, for instance) can be reinstalled on customers’ branch lines (less busy lines belonging to public or private operators, industries, ports, shunting facilities, etc.) at a much lower cost than new equipment. We carefully select and reevaluate what’s the best fit for your project. Hybrid installations (new and used equipment) can also be good solutions for reliable and sustainable projects.

Less environmental impact

Reusing railway equipment prevents tonnes of waste when network operators dispose of components. Reusing equipment means producing less, and therefore saving on natural resources, raw materials, and energy. Reconditioning equipment consumes less energy than manufacturing new components. It helps cuts greenhouse gas emissions and reduces your projects’ carbon footprint.

DAXI – a green company at heart

Eco-responsible partnerships and processes

First and foremost, our customers are partners and we want to pursue a sustainable and innovative future with them. Together, we’re looking at solutions to the rail industry’s current and future challenges. Solutions that marry safety, efficiency with respect for the planet.

Within the company, we’ve taken relatively standard steps such as installing solar panels on our buildings and purchasing electric vehicles for our fleet.

If customers allow us, we also systematically replace creosote-treated wooden sleepers with a non-carcinogenic, hypoallergenic alternative that offers superior durability. The wood is treated with Tanasote by our partner DURWOOD and slightly more expensive to buy. However, it also allows us to stay faithful to our values and reduce the equipment’s total lifecycle cost.

Another product in our range allows us to fit sliding rollers, so that customers don’t need to lubricate points regularly. These limit soil pollution, extend equipment life and decrease the need for lubrication. Who said that environmental responsibility had to cost more?


In the rail industry, safety is crucial. It goes hand in hand with the quality of our manufacturing and service processes.

Daxi complies with the current ISO 9001:2015 standards (quality management systems), EN 15085-2 (welding of railway vehicles and components) We also comply with EN 13832 standards for switches.

Share ownership

Like all BIG Group employees, staff who have been in the company for three years can become co-shareholders. They then play an even greater role in the Group’s future by taking its destiny into their own hands. Everyone at DAXI has a stake in its success.