Rolling stock

DAXI’s approach

End-to-end management of your railway project

We can supply you with wagons, or other specific rail vehicles. But we can equally design and pull off a whole railway project as follows:

  • We look at or analyse your specifications or requirements
  • We custom develop a solution (including calculations and simulations)
  • We can implement projects and offer lead times that are much shorter than those of competing multinationals.

After project completion, we offer an in-depth maintenance service for your equipment. To ensure consistently good performance, we also provide ongoing support and supply spare parts.

New or used railway equipment

To cut the cost of rolling stock, while ensuring quality, safety, and durability, we can provide new or overhauled railway equipment in compliance with current standards (VPI, SNCF etc.).

Our good relationships with European partners mean we can supply equipment that has been given a new lease of life after we’ve overhauled and reconditioned it.

This policy of reusing railway equipment is a prime example of sustainability and the circular economy, which reflects DAXI’s values.

DAXI’s approach

Our range of rolling stock

  • Flat wagons, ballast wagons, tanker wagons, grain tankers, mineral wagons
  • Shunt vehicles and mainline locomotives
  • Draisines
  • Road-rail vehicles
  • All types of spare parts (wheels, bogies, axles, axleboxes, bearings, buffers, hooks, etc.)

Our rolling stock services

  • Evaluating, overhauling and ensuring compliance of axles (VPI)
  • Overhauling and refurbishing braking systems (including brake tests)
  • Overhauling and refurbishing the shock and traction assembly (kinematic chain)
  • Making welded components, such as guard rails (EN 15085 certification)
  • Changing wagon floors
  • Handling self-unloading or rail-loading wagons
  • Lubricating ballast wagons

Why not contact us to discuss your requirements?

Our approach

In terms of rolling stock, DAXI is very flexible. We can supply spare parts, wear parts, recondition and upgrade equipment and help you implement your projects successfully.

We can offer you new or used rolling stock that is customised or modified. We liaise with you to create a cost-benefit analysis. In addition to supplying rolling stock, DAXI can carry out modifications and refurbishments to meet your business’s needs. Perhaps you need to improve performance, extend service lives, or adapt your equipment to new standards. Whatever your requirements, our railway engineering expertise guarantees state-of-the-art, sustainable solutions.